A Few Words

About Me

Exceptional Service

Practical Financial Advice You Can Count on

Focus Your Time and Efforts on Running Your Business and Leave the Accounting to Me

I have done bookkeeping for various businesses. I am in the process of taking the Bookkeeper Launch class, so that I can receive a certificate in bookkeeping. 

I work virtual so it saves you overhead, insurance and unemployement.

hand, magnifying glass, analysis
Accounting Services

Accurate Record Keeping Is a Key Component to the Success of Your Business.

Let me be a part of making your company a success.

Lets Get in Touch



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Free Estimation

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I bill by the month not the hour. Price is determined on the amount of invoices coming in an going out. if your bookkeeping is a mess and needs fixed I will fix it for you. If it is behind I can fix that also.

Let’s work together and keep your whole business running smoothly and making a profit.